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Local 764 / DL140

Please see attached, the idea that Janet Andrews and the PAC from LL764 came up with to interview Candidates’ from BC, who are running in the Federal Election, October 19, 2015.

____________________________________________PAC – IAM questions for MP Jinny Sims – June 2015



Jinny Sims (NDP) is the Member of Parliament for Newton-North Delta. Elected in 2011, Jinny is currently the

Official Opposition Critic for Employment and Social Development. As past President of the BCTF, Jinny

knows the importance of solidarity and fighting for working families. She has been a strong advocate for

young people and social justice issues. Read the rest of this entry »

Trans-Pacific Trade agreement!

Take a look at the video, posted today, Robert Reich on TPP agreement!

Corporate lobbyists have been pushing for special rules in order to rush the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal through Congress. If they succeed, it will mean a loss of U.S. jobs and pressure to hold wages down for those that remain.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership is being negotiated in secret, but negotiators are making big claims about boosting U.S. exports. We’ve been down this road before. The reality is that deals like this make it easier for corporations to keep wages low by trading U.S. jobs to the lowest bidder. Read the rest of this entry »

Airline Unions Draw Incumbents and Candidates to PAC Meeting

Toronto, ON – Members of IAM District Lodges 78 and 140 and CUPE Airline Division Political Action Committees held a meet and greet with NDP Incumbent MP’s and MPP’s and candidates for the upcoming federal election, last night at the IAM District Lodge 78 offices.

   PAC Meeting -7 IMG_2238PAC Meeting -5 IMG_2233 Read the rest of this entry »

Note d’échec en matière d’économie!

Stephen Harper a beaucoup parlé de la force de son gouvernement lorsqu’il est question de croissance économique. Cependant, au cours des dernières années, environ 80 % des nouveaux emplois créés ont été des emplois à temps partiel. Le cours élevé du dollar canadien a nui au secteur manufacturier. L’inégalité des revenus augmente plus rapidement au Canada que dans tout autre pays industrialisé. Read the rest of this entry »

The Economy: Failing Grade!

Stephen Harper has talked a lot about his government’s strength in economic growth. But in recent years, approximately 80% of the new jobs that have been created are part-time. Manufacturing jobs have suffered from the high dollar. Income inequality is growing faster than any other industrialized nation.

Under the Harper government we are seeing a mass exodus as more jobs are lost. This past month, January 2015, we see retailer Target Canada closing its doors, shutting 133 stores across Canada and affecting  17,600 workers. Sony closed 14 Stores resulting in 90 workers losing their jobs. Other closings announced in the recent year: Read the rest of this entry »

Braodbent survey!

In a new nationwide survey among 3,000 Canadians conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Canada for the Broadbent Institute, Canadians were asked about their perceptions of inequality and the distribution of wealth in Canada. The findings demonstrate that Canadians vastly underestimate how skewed the distribution of wealth actually is and think there should be a much more equitable distribution.

Meanwhile, a large majority of Canadians believe income inequality has worsened in the last decade, and believe the government can — and should — do something to reduce the gap between rich and poor.

KEY FINDINGS – According to the nationwide survey, conducted online from September 10 to 23, 2014:


NEW. Video

2015 Fairness Works Video; now available under video tab.

Harpers’ income splitting

Income splitting

The Mad Men tax scheme, which the Conservatives are trying to rebrand as “The Family Tax Cut,” allows parents with kids under the age of 18 with different incomes to shift up to $50,000 from a parent in a higher tax bracket to a parent in a lower income bracket (with a $2,000 cap).

You have to be a certain kind of household to get  a piece of this $12.65 billion pie:

Read the rest of this entry »

Remember! when the time comes.

Reminder to Liberals – remember that vote on the China-Canada Foreign Investment Protection Agreement?

What have the Liberals been telling Canadians about the Canada-China Foreign Investment Protection Agreement (FIPA)?

The agreement locks Canada in to a secret process giving Chinese companies a say in Canadian investments and natural resources.

If you spent a bit of time on Google, you might find these quotes:

“Liberals have raised concerns about provisions of this agreement, particularly on the issues of transparency during arbitration, termination of the agreement, and the length of time the agreement is in force.”
Email response on behalf of Justin Trudeau, April 25, 2013

The Liberal Party does have serious concerns with the Canada-China FIPA.”
Joyce Murray, April 25, 2013

“The Liberal Party has raised concerns about provisions in the Canada-China investment agreement”
Wayne Easter, House of Commons, April 18, 2013

But don’t be fooled. When the issue of FIPA was put to a vote in the House of Commons all the Liberals present – including Justin Trudeau – voted in favour of the agreement and with Stephen Harper.

You can see the results here.

That’s on their record.

New Brunswick Election

By all accounts there will be an election on September 22, 2014.
we have members in all ridings in New Brunswick.

Attached is the web

1st Ballot for NDP Leader
Thought on Labour

“Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.” ― Abraham Lincoln, State of the Union Address

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